Autoregressive (AR) Models
Autoregressive (AR) models are fundamental to time series analysis. They are estimated via regressing a variable on one or more of its lagged values. That is, AR models take the form: \(Y_t = c + \sum_{i = 1}^{p} \beta_i Y_{t-i} + \epsilon_t\) Where we say p is the order of our auto regression. Their estimation in statistical software packages is generally straightforward.
For additional information, see Wikipedia: Autoregressive model.
Keep In Mind
- An AR model can be univariate (scalar) or multivariate (vector). This may be important to implementing an AR model in your statisical package of choice.
- Data should be properly formatted before estimation. If not, non-time series objects (e.g., a date column) may be interpereted by software as a time series variable, leading to erroneous output.
Following the instructions for creating and formatting Time Series Data, we will use quaterly GDP data downloaded from FRED as an example.
AR(p) models in Julia can be estimated using the StateSpaceModels.jl package, which also allows for the estimation of a variety of time series models that have linear state-space representations.
Begin by importing and loading necessary packages into your work environment.
# Load necessary packages
using StateSpaceModels, CSV, Dates, DataFrames, LinearAlgebra
You can then download the GDPC1.csv
dataset using the CSV.jl package, and store it as a DataFrame
# Import (download) data
data =""), DataFrame)
The data can then be assigned a general ARIMA(p,d,q) representation, where if d
and q
are set to zero, the model specification becomes an AR(p). The d
= 0 constraint can be applied by inputting order = (p,0,0)
, where p
# Specify GDPC1 series as an AR(2) model
model = SARIMA(data.GDPC1, order = (2,0,0))
Lastly, the above-specified model can be estimated using the fit!
function, and the estimation results printed using the results
function. The sole input for both of these functions is the model
object that contains the chosen data series and its assigned ARIMA structure.
# Fit (estimate) the model
# Print estimates
In Python, the statsmodels package provides a range of tools to fit models using maximum likelihood estimation. In the example below, we will use the AutoReg
function. This can fit models of the form:
where \(d_i\) are seasonal dummies, \(x_{t,j}\) are exogenous regressors, and the \(\phi_p\) are the coefficients of the auto-regressive components of the model.
Using GDP data, let’s fit an auto-regressive model of order 1, an AR(1), with AutoReg
# Install pandas and statsmodels using 'pip install' or 'conda install' on the command line
import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.tsa.ar_model import AutoReg, ar_select_order
gdp = pd.read_csv("",
ar1_model = AutoReg(gdp, 1)
results =
## AutoReg Model Results
## ==============================================================================
## Dep. Variable: GDPC1 No. Observations: 292
## Model: AutoReg(1) Log Likelihood -1625.980
## Method: Conditional MLE S.D. of innovations 64.626
## Date: 0000000000000000 AIC 8.358
## Time: 00:00:00 BIC 8.396
## Sample: 04-01-1947 HQIC 8.373
## - 10-01-2019
## ==============================================================================
## coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## intercept 21.8083 7.439 2.931 0.003 7.227 36.389
## GDPC1.L1 1.0043 0.001 1356.492 0.000 1.003 1.006
## Roots
## =============================================================================
## Real Imaginary Modulus Frequency
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AR.1 0.9957 +0.0000j 0.9957 0.0000
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now let’s use the automatic option to choose how many lags to include (this uses the BIC criterion to choose, though over criteria are available):
select_model = ar_select_order(gdp, maxlag=10)
## [1 2 3]
This tells us to include lags up to 3. We can pass the list of lags right back to the
arp_model = AutoReg(gdp, select_model.ar_lags)
results_p =
## AutoReg Model Results
## ==============================================================================
## Dep. Variable: GDPC1 No. Observations: 292
## Model: AutoReg(3) Log Likelihood -1593.285
## Method: Conditional MLE S.D. of innovations 59.989
## Date: 0000000000000000 AIC 8.223
## Time: 00:00:00 BIC 8.286
## Sample: 10-01-1947 HQIC 8.248
## - 10-01-2019
## ==============================================================================
## coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## intercept 13.3707 7.098 1.884 0.060 -0.541 27.282
## GDPC1.L1 1.2921 0.058 22.273 0.000 1.178 1.406
## GDPC1.L2 -0.1253 0.095 -1.315 0.189 -0.312 0.062
## GDPC1.L3 -0.1646 0.058 -2.826 0.005 -0.279 -0.050
## Roots
## =============================================================================
## Real Imaginary Modulus Frequency
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AR.1 0.9960 +0.0000j 0.9960 0.0000
## AR.2 1.7430 +0.0000j 1.7430 0.0000
## AR.3 -3.5005 +0.0000j 3.5005 0.5000
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#load data
gdp = read.csv("")
#estimation via ols: pay attention to the selection of the 'GDPC1' column.
#if the column is not specified, the function call also interprets the date column as a time series variable!
ar_gdp = ar.ols(gdp$GDPC1)
#lag order is automatically selected by minimizing AIC
#disable this feature with the optional command 'aic = F'. Note: you will also likely wish to specify the argument 'order.max'.
#ar.ols() defaults to demeaning the data automatically. Also consider taking logs and first differencing for statistically meaningful results.
*load data
import delimited "", clear
*Generate the new date variable
*To generalize to a different set of data, replace '1947q1' with your own series' start date.
generate date_index = tq(1947q1) + _n-1
*Index the new variable format as quarter
format date_index %tq
*Convert a variable into time-series data
tsset date_index
*Specifiy and Run AR regression: this STATA method will not automatically select a lag order.
*The 'L.' operator indicates the lagged value of a variable in STATA, 'L2.' its second lag, and so on.
reg gdpc1 L.gdpc1 L2.gdpc1
*variables are not demeaned automatically by STATA. Also consider taking logs and first differencing for statistically meaningful results.