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Reshape Panel Data from Long to Wide

Panel data is data in which individuals are observed at multiple points in time. There are two standard ways of storing this data:

In wide format, there is one row per individual. Then, for each variable in the data set that varies over time, there is one column per time period. For example:

Individual FixedCharacteristic TimeVarying1990 TimeVarying1991 TimeVarying1992
1 C 16 20 22
2 H 23.4 10 14

This format makes it easy to perform calculations across multiple years.

In long format, there is one row per individual per time period:

Individual FixedCharacteristic Year TimeVarying
1 C 1990 16
1 C 1991 20
1 C 1992 22
2 H 1990 23.4
2 H 1991 10
2 H 1992 14

This format makes it easy to run models like fixed effects.

Reshaping is the method of converting wide-format data to long and vice versa.

Keep in Mind

  • If your data has multiple observations per individual/time, then standard reshaping techniques generally won’t work.
  • It’s a good idea to check your data by directly looking at it both before and after a reshape to check that it worked properly.

Also Consider



The pandas package has several functions to reshape data. For going from long data to wide data, there’s pivot and pivot_table, both of which are demonstrated in the example below.

# Install pandas using pip or conda, if you don't already have it installed.
import pandas as pd

# Load WHO data on population as an example, which has 'country', 'year',
# and 'population' columns.
df = pd.read_csv('',

# In this example, we would like to have one row per country but the data have
# multiple rows per country, each corresponding with
# a year-country value of population.
# Let's take a look at the first 5 rows:

# To reshape this into a dataframe with one country per row, we can use
# the pivot function and set 'country' as the index. As we'd like to
# split out years into different columns, we set columns to 'years', and the
# values within this new dataframe will be population:
df_wide = df.pivot(index='country',

# What if there are multiple year-country pairs? Pivot can't work
# because it needs unique combinations. In this case, we can use
# pivot_table which can aggregate any duplicate year-country pairs. To test it, let's
# create some synthetic duplicate data for France and add it to the original
# data. We'll pretend there was a second count of population that came in with
# 5% higher values for all years.

# Copy the data for France
synth_fr_data = df.loc[df['country'] == 'France']

# Add 5% for all years
synth_fr_data['population'] = synth_fr_data['population']*1.05

# Append it to the end of the original data
df = pd.concat([df, synth_fr_data], axis=0)

# Compute the wide data - averaging over the two estimates for France for each
# year.
df_wide = df.pivot_table(index='country',


There are many ways to reshape in R, including base-R reshape and the deprecated reshape2::melt and cast and tidyr::gather and spread. We will be using the tidyr package function pivot_wider, which requires tidyr version 1.0.0 or later.

# install.packages('tidyr')

# Load in population, which has one row per country per year

# If we look at the data, we'll see that we have:
# identifying information in "country",
# a time indicator in "year",
# and our values in "population"

Now we think:

  1. Think about the set of variables that contain the values we’re interested in reshaping. Here’s it’s population. This list of variable names will be our values_from argument.
  2. Think about what we want the new variables to be called. The variable variable says which variable we’re looking at. So that will be our names_from argument. And we want to specify that each variable represents population in a given year (rather than some other variable, so we’ll add “pop_” as our names_prefix.
pop_wide <- pivot_wider(population,
                               names_from = year,
                               values_from = population,
                               names_prefix = "pop_")

Another way to do this is using data.table.


# The second argument here is the formula describing the observation level of the data
# The full set of variables together is the current observation level (one row per country and year)
# The parts before the ~ are what we want the new observation level to be in the wide data (one row per country)
# The parts after the ~ are for the variables we want to no longer be part of the observation level (we no longer want a row per year)

population =
pop_wide = dcast(population,
                 country ~ year,
                 value.var = "population"


* Load blood pressure data in long format, which contains
* blood pressure both before and after a treatment for some patients
sysuse bplong.dta

The next steps involve thinking:

  1. Think about the set of variables that identify individuals. Here it’s patient. This will go in i(), so we have i(patient).
  2. Think about the set of variables that vary across time. Here’s it’s bp. This will be one of our “stub”s.
  3. Think about which variable separates the different time periods within individual. Here we have “when”, and this goes in j(), so we have j(when).
* Syntax is:
* reshape wide stub, i(individualvars) j(newtimevar)
* So we have
reshape wide bp i(patient) j(when)
* Note that simply typing
* will show the syntax for the function

With especially large datasets, the Gtools package provides a much faster version of reshape known as greshape. The syntax can function exactly the same, though they provide alternative syntax that you may find more intuitive.

* First, we will create a toy dataset that is very large to demonstrate the speed gains
* If necessary, first install gtools:
* ssc install gtools

* Clear memory
clear all
* Turn on return message to see command run time
set rmsg on
* Set data size to 15 million observations
set obs 15000000
* Create ten observations per person
generate person_id = floor((_n-1)/10)
* Number time periods from 1 to 10 for each person
generate time_id = mod((_n-1), 10) + 1

*Create an income in each period
generate income = round(rnormal(100, 20))

* Demonstrate the comparative speed of these two reshape approaches.
* preserve and restore aren't a part of the reshape command;
* they just store the current state of the data and then restore it,
* so we can try our different reshape commands on the same data.

*The traditional reshape command
reshape wide income, i(person_id) j(time_id)

*The Gtools reshape command
greshape wide income, i(person_id) j(time_id)

*The Gtools reshape command, alternative syntax
greshape wide income, by(person_id) keys(time_id)

Note: there is much more guidance to the usage of greshape on the Gtools reshape page.